Thursday 2 January 2020

Office Christmas Party

I enjoyed this movie. There are few major stars which shows as there’s many sub-plots within the main one and you get to see each character have their moment. It’s a perfect demonstration of all the antics that comes out at a company’s Christmas party; though they could have included a few comedy build-up moments rather than making it happen instantly all the time. It leaves you with a very feel-good feeling; especially when the other colleagues rally round to save the spirit of the protagonist; even the stern boss. It’s a shame that the miracle ending was a bit far-fetched; perhaps another method to save the company could have been sought or even new employment fund which could have concluded in a happy-ever-after scenario. I was a bit disappointed that one of the stunts that they talked about failed to occur; they could have completed the stunt and have had their accident scene afterwards. Perhaps it was a budgetary issue. Be prepared for some very adult themes to be thrust into your face.

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