Tuesday 7 January 2020

Hook Norton Four Point Blanc at the Rising Sun, Redditch

It’s nice to have an idea of what you’re drinking but there’s so much advertised on this pump clip that I haven’t got a clue. The first line sounds like it’s come from France, and it might share the same ingredients as that of a white wine. It’s certainly a hop that I’ve never heard of, and that could put a lot of people off. Could the four points refer to how many times they’ve added hops to the beer? Or have they drawn a blank as to how to brew it or what to name it? Is it brewed by a TV chef and they’ve got his name wrong? They’ve certainly pulled their own backbone up while coming up with all this. Why not just have one strong selling point? If people like the beer then they’ll try to find out more about it, though I suppose they want to get people trying this for themselves before it goes.

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