Friday 24 January 2020

Little Nick

He’s a small chap with a big heart and a phone to match. He enjoys his sports and never goes anywhere without his Chelsea beanie. His usual apparel is a pair of thinly wired glasses over a sweatshirt that’s usually brewery-related followed by a pair of baggy trousers over a pair of white trainers. With a classic moustache and stubble to match his stubbornness; you wouldn’t want to be on the losing side of him or you’ll never hear the end of it. He’s got a loud, confident voice but he only speaks when he’s sure of something and often repeats the end of his sentences. He’s eager to share his knowledge but he’s never ready to learn. If he needs help, he’ll let everyone know. The strangest moment that I witnessed with him was when we ere on the bus home and an old school friend of his was trying to have a conversation with him about the olden days and he was trying to ignore him. Perhaps there were some unpleasant memories that he was trying to avoid.

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