Saturday 25 January 2020

Burns and Beer

I wonder what others think
When I come out alone to have a drink.
Just because my breath may stink
Doesn’t mean that I’m on the brink.
It’s just a way of killing time
Like writing down things that rhyme.
Altogether I’m feeling fine
And there’s not really any depressive signs.
You may think that I’m slightly mad
To be alone with the beer that I’ve had
Or you may feel a little bit sad
To find that I’m not out with the lads.
The truth is that I’m on a trail
To find the country’s very best ale.
From the Southern Coast to the Yorkshire Dales,
I’ve travelled around by bus, foot and by rail.
For every beer I give a score
And the ones that I’ve never tried before
Are recorded so that I don’t drink more
And make my poor old liver sore.
It would be an amazing dream
If I was able and keen
To visit all the pubs I’ve seen
In all these magazines.

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