Friday 3 January 2020

Wear Sunscreen!

It’s a hot day. We’ve gotten prepared by putting on sunscreen alongside shorts and we’ve sorted out some shelter for the day. We’re in the garden underneath an awning and we can duck inside at any time to cool off. But nothing compares to the preparations that this lady has made. She may be in the thick of the heat as she mans the barbecue, and it might help to keep her clothes clean as she cooks, but this outfit is definitely an extremity. It’s as if she believes that she’s cooking in a futuristic radioactive atmosphere, or that she’s been sent from the future to cook for us. She’ll certainly be shielded, but it looks as if she’s climbed into a giant condom. I wonder if she’s cool inside. It looks as if she’s wearing several layers. Is that a smirk on her face as she tries to remain as cool as possible despite her attire? Or is she just allergic to sunscreen and this is the next best thing?

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