Sunday 12 January 2020

From One Offence to Another

The brewery that I love to hate is in the news again, and all for the wrong reasons. This time they’ve been using partial swear words on billboards to advertise a new non-alcoholic beer. I tried one of their earlier attempts a few years ago; it was named Nanny State and it was just awful; which is probably what this relates to. Is a motherfucker sober when he’s in action? He could be quite inebriated when performing the act. What’s even worse is the fact that the company who owned the billboards allowed this to happen as well. Apparently, they found a second definition of “motherfu” which somehow places the person in a remarkable context. I’d like to see the context of that. Should they be fined too? Or perhaps Brewdog have already negotiated a higher fee with them to cover this eventuality. Is it in fact one giant publicity stunt? If so, they’re certainly pushing the boundaries of what they’re allowed to do. Or are they as blind as they are tasteless and think that people are incapable of filling in the blanks?

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