Sunday 19 January 2020

The Giant's Pillow

As we’re jumping around on this giant’s pillow, I’m wondering what the giant thinks about all this. Where has he gone while we’re playing on his headrest? Is he in hiding? Does he even know that dozens of people are bouncing on his berth? And where is the rest of his bed? Maybe he wears a cloak which doubles as a blanket in the evening. Perhaps he’s the owner of the farm and rents it out to earn income for his extravagant upkeep. Or maybe he never changes his routine and we can get away with it providing that we’re out by sundown. But what happens if he did? Would the staff arrive to find that they can’t open the park because he’s still asleep? And how would the giant react if he came home early after an exhausting day to find his humble abode crawling with kids? I hope foe his sake that it’s left clean and tidy.

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