Monday 27 January 2020

Delay but no Repay

I’m off on the train back home.  It’s not crowded and it’s only a few minutes late. On board, I’m lucky to get a row to myself near the back. We leave the station, turn the corner and come to a halt. The driver reports that the British Transport Police have ordered all trains using this line to stop because there’s trespassers on the line. We’re not going anywhere. My friend rings and suggest that we meet for a pint later. I tell him that I’d love to but I’ve got no idea when I’m going to be back because of the delay. Forty-five minutes later, we get moving again. I jump off the train to make my connection home, but I get stuck behind an old lady on the stairs. As I get to the top, my next train has departed and it’s a half-hour wait till the next one. Defeated, I call my friend and tell him that I’m unable to meet him. But the worst of it was that the train company wouldn’t pay out for the delay. They claim that it was a circumstance that was out of their control. But surely the trespassers should cough up? Maybe the police couldn’t prosecute in this case. But I feel that someone should have footed the compensation.

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