Monday 20 January 2020

An Ordnance Oddity

In this day and age with GPS abound; you might not think that you need a map. But when you’re out on open ground; you can’t always guarantee the reliability of that little blue dot; especially when it comes to following public footpaths. Even with the luxury of being able to download a digital map doesn’t convince me. I prefer a paper map any day as you’re not standing there holding a screen waiting for the update to update and sometimes it’s fun to figure things out for yourself. But there’s a conspiracy afoot. It seems that every time I purchase an Ordnance Survey map; there’s always a section which the map doesn’t cover. This particular section; however interesting it may be; will always be found on the next map which means that I must make another purchase. My interest is never in the centre; it’s always on the edges. And it might take a while to get the complete set.

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