Thursday 23 January 2020

Conwy Yakima Grande at Montgomery's Tower, Shrewsbury

I’m on the hunt to scan a last Cask Marque certificate on an ad-hoc pub crawl in Shrewsbury. I’m standing in a car park looking for a Wetherspoons but all I can see is the back of shops, a library, and a gym situated in a new building with modern cladding. Suddenly I spot it on the ground floor. Inside is a large bar full of people waving menus around. I wander around the pub hoping to spot the certificate and consider doing a cheeky scan and disappearing to another pub up the road, but then a second smaller bar appears. I settle in for a pint; mainly so that I can save 50p with a voucher. I find a high table and stool in the centre of the pub and perch up and watch the world go by. There’s quite a few skimpy ladies about; and I realise that this town is probably the party capital of the mid-west. It’s where the hen parties and farmer’s daughters go to let their hair down.

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