Thursday 30 January 2020

Social Shunning #dreamdiary84

I’m sitting in someone’s flat. It turns to be one of my old room mates. She’s sitting on the windowsill in a plain T-shirt and pyjamas asking what I’ve been up to. I’m aware that not much has changed in these last fifteen years and I think that she’s left her husband but I’m not entirely sure. I’m just about to update her when her house mates come in. They take one look at me and totally ignore me and take over the entire conversation; talking about going into town for the evening. I’m not involved or asked about once; and I’m not even offered a cup of tea when one of them puts the kettle on for her. I think about leaving them to it, but my friend seems so downtrodden and depressed. She’s barely spoken a word and I wait to see what she would like to do.

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