Wednesday 8 January 2020

The Gym Instructor

There’s an oldish guy in his late 40’s who’s a gym instructor. He’s on the small side, but he’s not underconfident. Neither does he have a swagger. What he does seem to have is some kind of military background. When he speaks, he doesn’t shout, but he is loud. He always says hello or gives you a recognisable smile; but he never chats unless he has to; unless it’s about something he has in common with a customer. His inductions are quite detailed as he tells you how each exercise affects your body and what happens if you don’t use the correct method. He’s a man of discipline, and he’s probably someone that you don’t want to cross. After all, he does run the boot camps. There used to be an instructor with a similar background, but he had an artificial leg. He also had an attitude, which may explain why he’s not around any more.

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