Friday 10 January 2020

If you want to succeed in life, remember this phrase:

‘That past does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday, or all day today, or a moment ago, or for the last six months, the last 16 years, or the last 50 years of your life, doesn’t mean anything…’ -Tony Robbins.

It’s always good to succeed at something, however small. It gives you confidence to take the next step, however big it may be. You need to remember your roots and where you’ve come from, but you can’t let it get it in the way of where you want to be. Success is a recognition of every action, but to get to it you need to apply the method. You need to start afresh with every action. Failure is a learning process, and if you can identify what went wrong then you’re less likely to fail next time. Don’t dwell on the past because you can’t change that. Focus on what you can change. Even when you failed a moment ago, there is still an opportunity to turn the tables in your favour. Just bear in mind that the past can be meaningless sometimes so keep trying and never give up.

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