Wednesday 31 July 2019

The Right House

So here we are in sunny D.C! It’s a very bright day though and on the first day I was really struggling with the sun and had forgotten to pack any sunglasses. An early visit to Hudson News at Union Station the following day soon put that right. The flight went very well, and the only problem we had was battling through the doors of the airport at Washington Dulles. Despite being one of the biggest airports in the world and has its own tram system, it still hasn’t installed automatic doors in its domestic area, leaving passengers to get slammed by doors by careless people in front of them. The first item on the agenda was a guided tour where we visited the US Capitol then hopped onto a bus which took us to the Treasury, then we were guided to Donald Trump’s house, though I was slightly disappointed as they let me stand on the closer side of the road that time.

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