Monday 8 July 2019

Lucifier Juice

This is a perfect name for a beverage. It’s a drink that can change your behaviours and cause you to react in a different way. It has different effects on different people. And it’s most likely going to be a negative effect than a positive one. Some will just experience blood lust. They’ll want to assault their friends and think it’s funny afterwards. Some will go loopy. They’ll become mad and incomprehensive, having strange ideas or incoherent thoughts, and will follow through with actions. And some will just be plain ill. Even the name is broken down into three parts: Loop-Sick-Fire. And if you keep on drinking it, it probably goes through in that order. An absence from it can bring you back to normal; though the more consumed the longer it takes. It’s mostly served in a glass, but the less see-through the vessel, the more effect it’s likely to have on you.

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