Thursday 18 July 2019

Game of Moans #devilsdaughter4

There was no way that any human was able to entertain a lady of Lucinda’s size. As soon as Luke came down, she had to turn her whole bulk on him; if only for a moment. It was that precise moment that Luke chose to make his piece count. As Lucinda had plans for this particular plonker; she had to simulate a reaction and decided to break the bed as much as possible. Using Luke’s weight, she pressed her ample derriere into the mattress as hard as she could until she felt a straining sound, then a snap enveloped as the bed came crashing down around them. Of course, this gave the floor a mighty shake as well. Luke was too stunned to care, and simply climbed around her and settled his head between her boobs and went to sleep. But Lucinda knew that the resulting crash would cause others to come to the door that evening, and not necessarily in a friendly way…

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