Tuesday 16 July 2019

The Pull-Over

In this day and age, how do you know if someone’s legitimately flashing you to pull over? When you’re driving home at night, are they flashing for you to speed up or to slow down or to get out of their way? Or do they just have extra flashy LED lights that you don’t? I experienced this twice in the same journey recently while driving through the countryside. There’s no way that I’m pulling over if I can’t see the driver behind me as I don’t know how many people are in my car; especially when I’m on my own in the dark. I checked my lights when I got home and couldn’t see anything wrong with the car; so I put it down to the fact that they chose to dip their lights at the wrong time. After all, it wasn’t repetitive. The only reason that I will stop for in that situation if I can see a blue siren; and even then I’ll call it in if it’s not a regular patrol car.

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