Friday 26 July 2019

It's Down to You

"Nothing will work unless you do". -Maya Angelou

Wishing won’t get it. You’ve got to realise that things aren’t going to be done for you. You’ve got to keep the pressure on, even if it means constantly asking someone to do it until it’s done. It might take time for you to realise this, and you might have to go and bang on a few people’s doors to rally some support in order to get what you want. And it might not be an enjoyable process, but you have to see a way to meet your goal and follow it through. And if you don’t keep yourself busy, life has a way of throwing things at you to make sure that you’re occupied and that you’ve got plenty of problems to deal with. In short, you need to find your calling and spend every minute of energy you can working towards it. Because if you’re not prepared to put the effort towards it, no-one else will.

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