Saturday 13 July 2019

Stratford Upon Avon Malty Pig Bitter at the SU bar, University of Warwick

The humble pig. It’s a great symbol of greed. It might explain why this brewery has ceased to exist; and as a last act the pump clip designer decided to vent his feelings to the owners. It also might be the perfect animal to associate beer with, as once you start drinking it you just can’t stop and you end up happy as a pig in mud. Quite literally in some cases. You wouldn’t want to leave it alone with your beer. Most people end up rolling around somewhere after a few beers; or if not; they attempt to consume quite the impossible amounts of food. After a while, it becomes a contest of sorts; and it’s not necessarily the biggest that consumes the most. But at the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with a pig wallowing in its own filth. Just as long as it keeps it to itself.

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