Sunday 14 July 2019

Another Birthday

It’s another Sunday night and we’re off for another Sunday supping. But this isn’t just any old supping. It just so happens to be one of my friend’s birthday as well. I managed to sort him out with a card and a cheap off-the-rack movie from the supermarket. It’s a film that I’ve never heard of, but it advertises guns and helicopters; there’s drug lords involved and one of the actors is known for taking on hard guy roles. So there we sit in a quiet corner of the pub which was quite recently converted from a kitchen into a snug. We usually play pool here but it just so happens that there’s live music on tonight. We try to make conversation then decide to give up and go somewhere else, which is a shame because for once the beer is excellent. We end the night with a trip down to memory lane to scoff corner to munch on kebabs. Let’s hope that we can do something more original next year.

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