Monday 1 July 2019

Return to Kinver Rock

It’s another sunny day which gave me the perfect opportunity to take a second visit to Kinver Rock. Being a term-time weekday, it was much quieter this time which meant that we were given more attention by the volunteers. After going through an unattended gate, we headed up the path to pay our entrance fee and I was spared the hassle of being sold a National Trust membership; though I instantly lost my admission ticket in the handful of paper I received. We followed the door into a tall and narrow corridor surrounded by rockface with a dusty gravel path in front of us. We spent a few moments reading the large display boards about the geological history of the caves and the stories of the people that came to live here. Then we headed into one of the bedrooms followed by a visit to the kitchens where my mother recalled that she had a similar oven and we had a lovely chat with one of the volunteers about kitchens in these times.

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