Wednesday 10 July 2019

Scaredy Cat

“We can easily forgive a child that is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”- Plato.

Morning. It’s the call to action. It’s time to battle on with another day. In earlier times, we were one with the light. We’d rise when the sun was up, and when it was down we knew that it was time to bring things to a close and prepare for rest. It used to set the course of our day. But in today’s society we’ve learned to function without the use of natural light, and it’s our choice to decide when our day should start. Such people push their boundaries to get more out of their day for the greatest enjoyment. In most cases we must ignore the outside world and trust our own instincts to decide when to function and when to rest. But if we’re scared to face the day and choose not to sync up with everything else, that’s when society decides that something is going wrong.

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