Sunday 7 July 2019

Kinver Cavewoman

It’s great when you can explore an area that’s got lots of climbing. If you look close enough, there’s some footholds that you can use to pull yourself up if you’re not up for a scramble. They don’t call it ‘The Great Outdoors’ for nothing. But if you don’t take the risk, then you’re missing out on the structure of these natural wonders. It’s safer and there’s less injury involved but you’re also missing out on the fun of pretending to be a caveman and run around groaning ‘og og’. But then again, is the risk worth it? One minute of fun could mean a lifetime of injury and hassle, or something even worse could occur. It’s a shame that people tend to take less risks nowadays as there’s a plus side to it too. You never know what’s around the corner unless you go there. Sometimes you just have to be a caveman and go explore.

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