Saturday 20 July 2019

Crazy Lady

We’re at our local pub for a fish n chip dinner. It’s nice and warm so we choose to sit outside under a large umbrella that spans three tables in the pub’s beer garden; a nice contrast to the dark lounge. There’s a lady with long dyed red hair sat at the next table enjoying a cigarette who smiles at us as my mother attempts to connect with people that she used to know. Then just before our food arrives; a starter order comes out. My Mum believes that it belongs to the lady with the red hair as she ordered before we did; who suddenly seems to have vanished. My Mum directs the waitress back inside who informs us that they call her the crazy lady. Moments later, the lady is back carrying a glass of wine with the waitress in tow carrying her food. The waitress sets the food down for her then she moves to three other tables before she starts comfortably tucking into her food. Once she finishes, she seems to come back to mingle with the locals. Then at the bar when I’m about to order dessert she’s there causing more trouble. First she asks for pork scratchings which the bar staff must fetch from the cellar alongside some ice for her cider. Then she changes her mind and asks for prosecco, but changes her mind when she’s told that she can only buy it by the bottle and not the glass, and switches to rose. But as we prepare to leave our seats; our table gives a mighty bounce, which might at least explain why she changed tables three times.

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