Tuesday 11 September 2018

Tooth Times

I’ve got a new dentist. It wasn’t by choice; I go to the same place that I’ve always gone to, but my old one’s left. I had to be careful as the old one was a woman, so I had to take extra care with my personal hygiene by making sure I arrive early and I’m not sprinting up to the hill and into the reception five minutes before my appointment is due. Both dentists also have Asian surnames which I never remember as I only see them once a year usually for five minutes with the notion of getting out of there as soon as possible. My new guy makes me wait. He apologised last time, but he didn’t this year. He also complimented my brushing last year; whereas this year he wants me to focus on my gums. I do have an electric brush but often I forget to charge it which means I end up doing the scrubbing manually.

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