Sunday 23 September 2018

Is Quora quorate?

I was looking up a fact on a website called Quora and had to enter my e-mail address to make the screen go away so that I could carry on reading. Because of this, I now get weekly e-mails about people asking questions. I was looking forward to a wide range of interesting debates and opinions, but the most common theme seems to be which books to read to improve their writing with dreadful spelling mistakes. I found myself typing out an answer for something to do with credit cards then began thinking about the context and I had no idea what previous experience this person had with credit cards, so I just forgot it. There’s people seeking opinions on everything they possibly can. Sone questions are very vague and need a lot more thought put into them. Others are just seeking opinions and advice for straight forward processes that a simple google query can resolve. Maybe they just don’t like Google.

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