Saturday 29 September 2018

Belligerent Buses

When you travel long distances on a train, you can buy one ticket to cover the whole of your journey, even if you’re using services owned by different companies. So why can’t it be the same for buses? Life would be much easier if you could hop on a bus and say; I’d like a ticket to the edge of the next county. But most buses are subsidised by councils, and it’s through these that the companies make their money. I suppose that there are a couple of reasons. Firstly, buses are mostly used by old people and those with free passes. Secondly, they take a lot longer to get anywhere; especially if you’re passing through major towns; and it would probably be quicker to get to your destination by rail. But trains don’t go everywhere and if you just want to make an honest journey involving several buses, there’s very little options available and you have to make an early start.

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