Saturday 1 September 2018

Circumstances and Decisions

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." -Stephen Covey

When it’s your job to serve others, it’s hard to dictate your own circumstances or own the day. If you had no customers then you could choose exactly what you want to do, but you’d probably get no income either. And since you can’t predict your customers, it’s quite difficult to own the day. What would be ideal would be just enough staff to ensure that everyone gets the attention they deserve. But when the company cuts costs by not recruiting the right level of staff, you have to work even harder to ensure that everyone gets attended to in a timely manner. And because some need more attention than others; it can cause delays at times. If you can decide what can happen when then you can plan for it; or at least be prepared. But when you’ve got no control of what’s happening around you, you really need good leadership to pull through.

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