Monday 24 September 2018

Fuller's Black Cab at The Garibaldi, St. Albans

We use a regular cab firm to get around to our favourite pubs at night. They now record your number so they can track your car and tell you automatically how long until it’s due if you have any doubts as to when it’s due to arrive. I hate getting a cab on my own as I’m usually stuck for conversation other than to ask the driver how busy he’s been. Anything else could be interpreted as racist. I usually have to get in the front as I’m either the first off three or last of three to be picked up or dropped off. I do miss city cabs with their glass screens separating the front and back seats for safety reasons. But the rural cabs are more comfortable and you can relax more. The fare can sometimes be a problem as you’re struggling to get as close to the right change as possible and leave a tip if they’ve collected you early enough. On some occasions we’ve been collected in a minibus when there was just three of us. When we queried this, the driver’s response was ‘I was closest!’.

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