Friday 21 September 2018

Stop the Train #dreamdiary 63

It’s a nice warm sunny day and I’m sitting in the school playing fields with my friends from home. I have to catch the train into town later to get a haircut, and as I see a train in the station I decide to go and investigate how often they run to sort out what time train I should catch. I leave my satchel of belongings in a pile and head back up the hill to say farewell to my friends. But as I return to them I spot the train’s porter loading my bag onto the train. The train then departs before I can return to the station. As I think where the next stop is, the last carriage disappears at the bottom of the field and the first carriage comes into view at the top. I board the train at this stop and retrieve my bag from a pile in the middle of the aisle, but this train has now departed and I’m now on the wrong train trying to work out where the next stop is and how I get back home.

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