Tuesday 4 September 2018

Lego Vampire!

There’s a new craze of Lego that’s hitting the shelves. It’s a complete set model of a single standalone figure made of much smaller Lego pieces, and you’re building them with strips rather than traditional Lego bricks. And instead of it being a Lego figure, it’s on a bit bigger scale, double in both height and width in fact, and it’s got a fair weight. They could have cheated by leaving a hollow hole inside, but Lego don’t compromise on the model’s structure. It may look a bit out of place in Legoland though. This one’s a vampire for Halloween, and it comes complete with a decorative bat as well. It comes with complete instructions but at times you look at it and wonder which section you’re building. You won’t know until the great assembly at the end. I wonder if they’ll produce a jack o lantern set for this year.

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