Tuesday 18 September 2018

Elgoods Saturday Night Beaver at the Mermaid, St. Albans

The smell of wet dog isn’t very welcoming when you venture into a pub, but that’s exactly what we got when we came in here. The beer choice and quality was also disappointing; but at least the brewer had worked hard to make a novel attempt. I was under the impression that this was one of the freehouses of the town and that they’d have more of a local selection available. The young barman was very friendly and was interested to learn where we’d come from; and he did have an excellent selection of snacks. I’d been here before and the place clearly needs a lick of paint as it looked much scruffier than my last visit. But this pub also had a community feel and there was a shelf of books for people to help themselves and while away the afternoon. Unfortunately I think that we were the only customers present during our visit.

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