Friday 28 September 2018

Phipps NBC Mayor's Mash at the Thomas A Becket, Northampton

We needed to break our journey back to Brum, so we decided to have a womble into Northampton. It was a bit of a walk up the open wind-swept alongside fast-moving traffic and we were actually heading out of the centre rather than in. But it turns out that it was the nearest pub with a Cask Marque certificate. It was a nice standalone stone building alongside a main road, and might have been a farmhouse in times before the town was established. Inside was a quiet bar which curved around the corner to a quiet snug. There were four handpumps and in front of those were some raised tables and barstools with leather seats. The barman was an ex-greasy haired hipster and had glasses to match. The beer didn’t have any noteworthy flavours, but it was refreshing and was well kept. It did seem to be a bit of a local’s bar so we made ourselves scarce as soon as we were done.

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