Thursday 20 September 2018

Greene King Gangly Ghoul at The Beehive, St. Albans

Ghouls are notoriously ghastly, and their purpose is only to spook and terrorise us. But the concept of a gangly ghoul has a more productive purpose, and the ghoul might even be nice. He only hangs out with other ghouls for conformism and companionship, and he may even be a bit of an outsider. Other ghouls look to him for protection because of his height, especially when goblins appear. It’s always expected that the large protect the small. But all this ghoul wants to do is have a nice quiet pint on a moonlit night perched just outside the local tavern. If his tribe should be a bit rowdy, that’s when he questions whether he’s in the right situation. And if the enemy should happen to buy the beer before the other ghouls realise who he is, then the loyalty of the gangly ghoul may just be turned. So be wary of your misfits or they might not do what you expect of them.

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