Tuesday 1 November 2016

Orkney Three Sisters at the Philharmonic Dining Rooms, Liverpool

It’s great to see that beers from remote areas such as the islands of Orkney are making their way into the cities. But you’d think, after travelling over five hundred miles, you’d have thought they’d have put a bit more effort into their pump clip design to show how far the cask has travelled to make it stand out and more saleable at the bar. It’s just another random beer with bold lettering. Who were the three sisters? How does the drinker know that this beer is a re-designed ‘shilling-styled’ beer or even the people serving it? I never knew that eighty shilling was a beer style until today, or that the traditional Scottish brewers brewed their beers categorically different to the rest of the planet. So how about some facts to educate the drinker to make it more attractive; rather than just slapping it on and hope that it sells? 

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