Monday 31 October 2016

An Early McDonalds #mcdonaldsmutterings2

Just when you think the world is quiet, it gets quite busy. I got up very early in the morning in the hope of slipping away quietly, and decided that the easiest thing to do would be to grab breakfast from McDonalds by the train station as there was a good chance of it being very quiet before 7am. What I forgot about was the fact that it was early Saturday morning and many of the Friday night revellers were still hanging around. Some had even attempted to spend the night there, but luckily the staff were on hand to move these vagabonds onto the street. There was a large family at the till who were clearly having problems deciding what to order, but even though this branch of McDonalds looked old, they still had some kiosks installed. But what should have been a quick wait took over ten minutes. People who had ordered after me were clearly receiving their orders before me. In didn't mind when it was just coffees but when people started to receive breakfasts before me I naturally started to feel a bit annoyed. My number had disappeared from the screen and I was just about to start complaining when I got served by a lovely young girl. I wonder what time they start in the mornings?

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