Saturday 8 October 2016

Mike's Escape

I'd nearly escaped. I'd got all my clothes on and had made it halfway up the road before they found me. I only wanted to pop out for a pint. I knew that the two different shifts would be touring the house together discussing who needed what and how so-and-so was feeling so when they headed upstairs they wouldn't notice me slipping into the garden. There'd been a storm the night before which had blown the nice crooked, which gave me the perfect opportunity to slip through the gap and onto freedom. But they’d spotted me somehow; the afternoon shift must have been just after going home; and had sent the evening shift off after me. I was so close to sipping some amber nectar; but they dragged me back through the doors saying on no account was I allowed outside on my own. I said, ‘Tell you what fellas, why don't we just go out there for a drink and it’s on me? I'll make sure that you're covered.’ ‘Sorry Mike’ they replied, ‘Our jobs would be on the line if we focused too many resources on just one person’. 

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