Thursday 13 October 2016

Hotel Heaven #dreamdiary10

I’m in a Liverpool hotel! It’s a cute little corner room on the first floor of a stone-built pub, with not too much outside noise and has an excellent view for people-watching. As I venture out, the staircase which previously led up to my room has vanished, and the only other door in the hallway has a number three on the front which seems to be another person’s room but with no other choice, I open it to reveal a wooden staircase leading down a bright red-walled stairwell. At the bottom of the stairs there is a bed but there’s also a stand displaying swimming equipment. As I look around, I seem to be in some sort of department store. I take the lift up to the next floor and discover a swimming pool in its centre. The floor after that has a bar with a glass floor with a view of a giant snooker table; only it’s covered with obstacles like a crazy golf course. Excited, I decide to find my friends and challenge them to a game; but they’re all asleep in a dorm. I return to my room to find a note on my door asking me to return to reception as my bags are there because I missed the deadline to check out. 

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