Sunday 23 October 2016

Rock and Roll! #dreamdiary11

I'm at a rock concert! It's a great venue but it seems to be on the road of a council estate and I can’t actually see the band! It's a bricked structure and every corner or (church) seems to lead to someone’s front door. Nevertheless, the music carries on and the event is well stewarded despite being outside people's doorsteps and the music’s volume gets quieter as the evening heads into night. People are either standing in small groups drinking beer or, like me, they’ve overindulged and are swaying from side to side in time to the music. Some people have overdone it and have been left to sleep it off in a dark corner. But most people are appreciating the death rock. The air is cold yet the atmosphere is warm because of the number of people present, yet there's plenty of space for those who want it. And there seems to be no complaints from the neighbours. 

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