Monday 24 October 2016

Burscough Mere Blonde at the Belvedere, Liverpool

After some photographs it was time to hit the pubs and we decided to make a beeline for the Belvedere. Here we established a base while we worked out what everyone was doing and where would be a good place to meet up later. The pub itself was extremely crowded and we just about got around the door to order a half and scan the Cask Marque certificate. Outside though there was plenty of room and a few benches were out outside in the small square that the pub was in for us to spill into. And we made it just in time as a ghost walk was just beginning by the local history society, and we even got a free performance by some of the actors who were just arriving and automatically thought that we were on their tour. After giving him a good audience we thought it best to move on before their real customers arrive to crowd out the square as well. 

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