Wednesday 26 October 2016

Black Edge Gold at the Caledonian, Liverpool

Feeling peckish, we decided to head over to the Caledonian as we'd heard good things about their food menu and how cheap it was. However, when we arrived we found out that food service had finished for the day and that they weren't serving evening meals. This was a great shame on their part as they could have made a mint from the whole weekend. Nevertheless, we were there for the beer too and we all got ourselves a quick half while we thought over our next move. The pub was reasonably busy because of the football and there was also live music planned for later in their upstairs room. And somehow another pub crawl had managed to catch up with us; this time it was a guided tour for the older CAMRA members who weren't able to use maps or modern technology to plan their way around. And there were loads of them. The queue at one point was out the door so in our best interest we decided to give them room and make our own way onwards. 

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