Sunday 9 October 2016

Jasmine's Jazz #dreamdiary9

Jasmine opened the door. ‘This was going to be great’, she thought, ‘A real bunch of musical refugees. This will certainly wake the tribe up and do some good.’ ‘Come in, come in’, she said. Leave your bags in the hall and take a seat.’ She then dashed upstairs to wake the others.
‘Sam and Jake looked at each other. They knew that their bags hadn’t got any musical instruments in them whatsoever, just their belongings. The bags were the only things that they could find to carry their things in when they were evacuated from the school. No-one on the border had asked to see their bags since the need to leave was so urgent. However, here they were, and it was too late to do anything else. All they could do when the time came was to shrug and admit defeat. They slowly lowered their bags onto the floor and entered the sitting room.

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