Saturday 29 October 2016


I'm locked out! Not out of my hotel room, not out of my house or not even out of my car! I can see my car through the railings but I just can't get to it because it’s locked in the car park. It's great that it’s kept safe and secure and that I don't have to pay any parking, but it's kind of put a halt on my early start to head up north. In an attempt of common sense I've tried to call the security firm that manages the site but unfortunately my phone’s ran out of juice. Foolishly, the only wire that can charge my phone is in the car; I'd somehow took the charger but not the cable. So I’m sat outside with no other option than to sit in a bus shelter and wait for opening time, but how long that will be is anyone’s guess. And a bunch of guys wandering around asking for directions have said that I’m all right.

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