Monday 3 October 2016

Wake Up Robbie

I’ve just heard the latest Robbie Williams song. It’s terrible. The main backing beat is a tinny drum with big bass that sounds like someone’s been bouncing a basketball around the recording studio. The main chorus seems to be of the Red Army marching through Red Square. Amazingly, it is called Party Like a Russian but it’s just so dross and dull, and the lyrics echo the format of an earlier song called Too Gentle. Chris Evans thought that It was amazing, but perhaps that’s because he’s watching the video of the Russian dancers, or maybe it’s because Robbie is making a guest appearance on his show next week. The trouble with established artists is that when they run out of novel material they try to sell themselves on their name alone and hope that this is enough to ride on the next wave of pop sales. Having heard this on the radio, I’m not going to rush out and buy it, and for Robbie’s sake I really hope that this isn’t one of his feature tracks on his new album.  

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