Tuesday 29 November 2016

Screw E.U at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch

I always thought that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was somehow in charge of the European Union. Whenever the amount of money that the United Kingdom contributes to the EU (around 35 million a day since you ask), she’s always on the news concerned where the hole is going to come from? But what does the EU actually do? It’s actually a group of world leaders, and the absurd laws that they create are enforced on us by others through its constitution that all member countries vote upon. But despite that fact that we’re forking out much more than other countries and we’re not getting our fair share of what we want. And no-one’s actually heard of the six people who are actually in charge. When we act, we tend to side along a particular nation rather than a consensus agreement across the whole of the EU. But surely it should be an all or none approach? If the whole of Europe isn’t prepared to work as a team; then what is the pint of dragging everyone else along?  

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