Friday 4 November 2016

Woeful Wagamama

I've always liked the sound of Wagamama. It's a Japanese noodle restaurant and it sounds very quirky. But when I actually got round to visiting, I found out that it just serves overpriced and disappointing food. The staff were very friendly and we made sure that their green tea really was free, and the food arrived quite quickly but confusingly as it was brought my different waiters and no-one could remember the name or number of the dish that they'd ordered. My dumplings were smaller and spongier than I thought they would be. Perhaps because they were fried and not steamed. For my main I had ramen noodles with everything in it. The meat was very nice but the noodles looked like they'd come out of a packet of super noodles and the rest was just a large bowl of soup. I'd even been given a bamboo label to slurp the stuff out of my large bowl. I also had a slice of cheesecake which was very refreshing but was also very tiny. I don't think I'll be going back in a while. 

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