Saturday 5 November 2016

Little Crosby Sittin' on the Dock at the Philharmonic Dining Rooms, Liverpool

Jim sighed. The sun was setting and he hadn't caught a thing. It had been a beautiful day and he would loved to have spent it swimming in the sea or climbing on the rocks with the other lads, but his instructions from Captain Blue were clear: 'As soon as the Celeste comes into view, run to the Navigation and let 'ol Peterson know.' He wasn't entirely sure, but he thought that an ambush would be likely. He had heard that the expedition had found a chest of Spanish galleons on a desert island while pausing to take on water; though how rumour had come to spread in the pub he wasn't sure. Normally he'd alert the authorities that something was afoot but Captain Blue had promised to pay for his bed and board in full if he'd help him out this afternoon, which was more than the government could offer. And so, he'd spent the entire day pretending to fish while staring out across the horizon. 

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