Wednesday 2 November 2016

Boring Bill

The Horrible Histories’ rendition of the life of William Shakespeare was a huge disappointment. It portrays the idea that Shakespeare simply got lucky and was in the right place at the right time to get his plays performed and save the day at the same time rather than pay tribute to Shakespeare’s genius. The plot becomes even more unrealistic when King Philip II arrives in a landing party of just four men and overpowers a whole squad of soldiers and later kidnaps Shakespeare’s wife. There's no attempt to educate the viewer (much unlike the TV series which has a puppeted rat which acts as a narrator) and the action is just too slow and drawn out. Confusion reigns when the actors double up as other characters as they’re clearly underdeveloped, and the whole thing just seems to be a group of actors who enjoy dressing up in period dress have been given permission to remain in costume for a little bit longer. 

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