Saturday 12 November 2016

George Wright Spring Ale at the Lion Tavern, Liverpool

From the outside, this just looks like another corner pub but as you enter the stained-glass windows and wood carvings instantly makes this establishment stand out from the crowd. This beautiful pub was packed to the brim with CAMRA members; and the poor bar staff didn't know which way to turn on their island bar. There were people peering over every corn r and through every hatchway, as people tried to taste as many of the seven ales on sale as possible. The pork pies were also attractive, and those that bought one were guaranteed a seat at the bar as others made space for them to eat them! I managed to find a perch on a high stool near the window while I waited for the others to arrive, and the beers that I tried were in excellent condition. It's a shame that this pub is currently closed over a rent dispute with the owners. 

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