Wednesday 9 November 2016

Lee's Supernova at the Gardeners Arms, Droitwich

Some people make great efforts to bring exotic wines from around the world to our tables. Others enjoy champagne. But here at the Gardener’s Arms, the licensees have gone all out to bring you a supernova range of beers. As well as the four beers inside the pub, an outdoor bar has been created to showcase a further range of beers from all over the country. There’s also plans to fit this into a minibar for shelter during the winter and so that the beers can be locked away and stored. The beers are selected not just because of their names; but because of their pump clips as well which offers a range for everyone. The licensee is encouraging the beer tickers to swing by and set up camp here, but the trouble is that I’ve tried many of these beers in others places! But the main pull is that they’re not normally seen in our little area of the world.  

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